
The Wellshire neighborhood is known for its serene, meandering streets, the 18-hole Wellshire Golf Course and its 13.4-acre Skeel Reservoir.

Designed by Donald Ross, the Wellshire Golf Course was built in 1926 and features mature cottonwood trees and an English Tudor-style clubhouse. In addition to single-family homes and ranch dwellings, Wellshire also includes parks, churches and the highly ranked Slavens Elementary school.

Nearby University Hills Plaza includes the popular and organic Sunflower Market, the Chez Artiste movie house, the upscale Garment District and BeauJo’s pizza. And to the south within easy driving distance is one of the area’s largest Whole Foods stores. With so many amenities, peaceful surroundings, and convenient access to downtown and the Denver Tech Center, Wellshire is a terrific place to call home.


  • Encompasses the area from Yale to Hampden and from Colorado Boulevard to University Boulevard


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